How to provide differentiation when teaching online

Apr 03, 2020
If you feel like you have started to get the hang of online teaching and you are ready for a new challenge, it is worth considering how you might be able to provide scaffolding and support to lower ability students so that they don’t become lost or defeated as they try to learn by themselves at home, and also how you could extend and challenge higher ability students so that they don’t get bored. Here are some ideas for how you could do this:     
  • Make the task open-ended: the advantage of open-ended tasks is they might not have just one right answer, and kids can take it as far as they like. 
  • Project work: by their nature, projects are also open-ended and they have scope to provide some student choice which helps with differentiation, as students can choose to work on something that aligns with their interests and abilities. Higher ability/ gifted and talented students can use their project work to stretch and challenge themselves. Support...
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